Welcome to The Survivor Rowing Network

A Program of Rowing Cares

Our Mission

Create more opportunities for cancer survivors to row on the water in boats and indoors on ergs.

Who We Are and What We Do

We are a community of rowers committed to introducing rowing to more cancer survivors.

Most of our rowers were introduced to rowing after their cancer diagnosis.”

”Never having rowed I was completely unprepared for how life changing being part of this sport would be.”  

“Breast cancer led me to rowing - I was hooked on the very first day”

“The friendship & camaraderie combined with the intensity of learning this new sport, growing stronger and healthier together is unmatched!”

”It took me a number of years to get the courage to try.  It was the best thing I ever did.“

11 of the 12 rowers in SRN’s composite Masters 8+ and Masters 4+ boats at 2023 Head of the Charles - had not rowed before their diagnosis.

SRN is a program of Rowing Cares.  Since our 2023 launch, we have grown to a community of rowers and more than 15 survivor rowing programs around the country.

We Grow Survivor Rowing

SRN partners with existing and emerging survivor rowing programs to help them grow survivor rowing in their communities.

We provide specialized guidance and targeted grants to seed further success of our established and emergent partner programs including:

Learning opportunities and specialized guidance contributed by expertise in our network, including coaching, program development, survivor outreach, medical community engagement, learn to row for survivors.

Fundraising support, including one-on-one planning and tailored campaign development for participating programs including access to on-line fundraising tools.

Shared stories of strength and recovery - and shared passion for what we do.

Our expertise and support is available to all programs, at no charge.  We invite interest, involvement and support. 

Help us spread the word

Thank You To Our Partners